In response to the current water and food shortages caused by the ‘triple threat’ of drought, locust and COVID-19 in Eastern Somaliland, Oxfam and local partner Taakulo will support 43,800 rural IDPs and host communities (pastoralists) with integrated WASH and Food Security interventions in the Sool, Sanaag and Togdheer region The WASH component will reach over 43,800 people with clean drinking water and an improved and safe access to rehabilitated water sources. Existing water market structures willbe sustainably strengthened through Cash for Water interventions and water prices prevented from rising by solarizing water sources and providing operators with the means to maintain existing desalination units. 1,036 households ( 6,216 women, men, boysand girls) will be supported through the food security and livelihoods assistance component. The Sida RRM will contribute to addressing the immediate food needs of the people affected by drought and the socioeconomic impact of COVID-19. Oxfam and Taakulowill respond through cash assistance that allows households to meet their basic food needs. Community and government engagement will be at the centre of the response and closeengagement is ensured during the project design and implementation stages as this will increase ownership and social accountability, and ensure sustainability after our intervention ends.

Total budget : 159,424 EUR

Acteur (s) : Taakulo Somaliland Community