Happy New Year A new year is just seen as a time of a fresh start, reflection, hope, and a time for people to hold themselves to account.
A new year just tells us that yesterday is neither today nor tomorrow, with all the experience that can instill in our minds what we did and what we didn’t, what we failed and what we succeeded, so that it has a strong influence on how we think and behave.
In this new year knowing what drives us, what motivates us, what inspires us, what excites us, what elevates us, what disappoints us, what demoralises us, what ails and irritates us, what lags us behind is crucial to our survival.
Understanding what we can and cannot do will help us strive for the best. Arguing witb one another will get us nowhere; blaming each other when things go wrong does not work; what we can do differently and rightly works.
Things will change for the better only if we change the way we think and pool our efforts together.
Jama Ismail