Madaxweyne sharciyad haysta ayaa Wada hadal la geli kara Somalia…..Mawqifka Xisbiyada Mucaaradka Somaliland
Somaliland's first priority is to reach a political settlement and hold the overdue Presidential election to elect a new President with a full mandate to engage in dialogue with #Somalia. Dialogue is needed within #Somaliland. Charity begins at home!
— Cabdiraxmaan Cirro (@Abdirahmanirro) December 7, 2022
Muse Bihi has no legitimacy or mandate to represent the people of Somaliland. He only represents his party Kulmiye. Somaliland will deem negotiations with him as invalid and interference in its internal affairs. We have no problem with the five tribal, regional states of Somalia.
— Faysal Ali Warabe (@FaisalAliWarabe) December 6, 2022