In an operation that lasted twelve hours, the Somaliland Coast Guard at the Zeyla station managed to apprehend an illegal foreign fishing trawler with 13 fishermen.

An officer who spoke for the Somaliland coast guard said that they have succeeded in arresting thirteen fishermen from Yemen, who were fishing illegally in Somaliland waters.

He explained the trawler which was attached with two boats was illegally harvesting fish in Somaliland waters hence was filled with large catchments of assorted species of fishes predominant in the area.

He said that following a tip-off and a direct command from their Admiral, Brig Gen Ahmed Hurrre Harriye, they tracked the trawler for twelve whole hours amidst a windy and heavy rainfall they braved, until ultimately capturing the culprits.

The spokesperson pointed out the nabbed Yemeni illegal fishermen would be arraigned in court swiftly once the investigations are wrapped up.
